gPrecious Little Lives Lost in the Earthquakeh
Last OctoberCI visited the coast of Miyagi prefecture, which had been seriously
damaged by the earthquake on 11.3.2011.
I wanted to volunteer to help people and at the same time to see the reality of the devastated area with my own eyes.
Once there, I helped deliver relief supplies and witnessed the pain and sadness of the disaster victims.
I learned that a lot of animals and plants fell victim to the earthquake,
as well.
I met people who grieved over the death of their pets as they would I also
met the volunteers who were taking care of pets that had lost their owners
and become homeless.I heard that some animals, though they had survived
the horrible tsunami, were not given aid and lost their lives, merely because
they were ganimalsh.
It was a heartbreaking story for me. I, myself, have pets, and consider them a valuable part of my family.
I think the pets that lost their lives are worried their beloved owners are still in pain because of their death.
We decided to hold this event in order to try to connect the hearts of these pets with the hearts of their owners using our pictures.
In this event, authors of picture books, painters, and illustrators will
ask disaster victims about the animals they want us to draw and wefll try
to give those treasured pets life again through our images.
The exhibition will be held spring 2012, and afterwards, we will present the pictures to the petsf owners.
58 painters from Japan, Taiwan and Netherlands and Italy are currently participating in this event.
The lives of the people and animals that perished in this disaster are equally precious to those who have lost them: this truth has been engraved into my heart by the earthquake.
I want like to show the equality of all lives through gPrecious Little Lives Lost in the Earthquakeh.
Usa, the Representative of gPrecious Little Lives Lost in the Earthquakeh |
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