The exhibition of “Precious Little Lives Lost in the Earthquake” started since March 2012 and total of 150 paintings were drawn by 58 participating artists in Part 1 and 97 in Part 2.
The exhibitions were held in many places in Japan and also in Taiwan and all pets drawn in paintings came home with their pet owners after finishing all exhibitions.
Ministry of Environment has finally established the guideline for evacuation with pets. It is a big step forward, however, I feel that the evacuation with pets has not been gained many people’s understanding yet.
I really think I want to keep many people informed that animals are important family members just like human being for persons who think their lives are precious although animals have different appearance from human being, i.e. both human and animal lives are equally precious.
Therefore, I decided to continue its exhibition as “Precious Little Lives Lost in the Earthquake – Exhibition of Reproduction Paintings”.
60 reproduction paintings selected from Part 1 & 2 will be shown in “Precious Little Lives Lost in the Earthquake – Exhibition of Reproduction Paintings”.
The exhibition of “Precious Little Lives Lost in the Earthquake” gradually spread and I have been asked to hold it “in my town”
60 reproduction paintings will tour to many places in Japan and foreign
countries as the exhibition of “Precious Little Lives Lost in the Earthquake
– Exhibition of Reproduction Paintings” starting from the end of October
2013. |
Usa, the Representative of “Precious Little Lives Lost in the Earthquake”
Copyright (C) 2012 chiisanainochiten All rights reserved. |